Graduate Certificate in Strength and Conditioning

University of Wollongong Business School

نوع المؤسسة: الجامعة/مؤسسة التعليم العالي
مستوى: الدراسات العليا
CRICOS: 00102E

Strength and conditioning science is the study of how the human body can adapt to various training modalities such as strength, power, speed, interval or endurance over time. The degree will broaden the employment scope for those working in the field of strength and conditioning where qualifications are increasingly essential.This is a popular course undertaken by Global Sports Program students.The Graduate Certificate in Strength and Conditioning is offered part-time, is fully online and uses best practice in technology-enhanced learning. It will be taught by experienced industry and academic staff.You will learn about the fundamental scientific principles of strength and conditioning for athletic populations including applied strength anatomy, physiological adaptations to training and neuromechanics of athletic foundation movements.In the final subject, you will integrate and apply the knowledge and skills you have gained in the earlier subjects in authentic activities which have real-world relevance and application to strength and conditioning coaches.This Graduate Certificate qualification produces career ready employable graduates. You will acquire relevant critical skills and knowledge needed to become strength and conditioning professionals.

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