Master of Teaching (Secondary)

University of Western Australia, The (UWA)

نوع المؤسسة: الجامعة/مؤسسة التعليم العالي
مستوى: الدراسات العليا
CRICOS: 00126G

A teacher preparation program for university graduates who seek to begin a rewarding career in secondary education. This course ensures you have an in-depth knowledge of the theory and the practical skills required for secondary teaching. Your subject area expertise, coupled with this sought-after teaching qualification, will see you thrive in the global knowledge society. Candidates must have a degree with sufficient units related to a subject in the school curriculum. As there is a shortage of secondary English, Mathematics and Physics teachers in Australian schools, we particularly encourage students with qualifications in those areas to consider a career in teaching.

معلومات عن الدراسة

الحرم الجامعيالرسوممدخّلة منتصف العامالحضور
Crawley International: $70,600 No
  • Full-time : 1.5 years

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