Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Psychological Science

La Trobe University

نوع المؤسسة: الجامعة/مؤسسة التعليم العالي
مستوى: المرحلة الجامعية
CRICOS: 00115M

Get the clinical understanding and confidence to care for people of all ages while building valuable expertise in psychological science with La Trobes Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Psychological Science. Learn from leading clinicians and academics and gain hands-on experience in our state-of-the-art simulation labs. Move into real-world environments in hospitals and healthcare agencies in your first year, reaping the benefits of our long-standing partnerships with top-tier health providers like Austin Health, The Royal Melbourne Hospital and Bendigo Health.

معلومات عن الدراسة

الحرم الجامعيالرسوممدخّلة منتصف العامالحضور
Albury-Wodonga International: $160,800 No
  • Full-time : 4 years
Bendigo International: $160,800 No
  • Full-time : 4 years
Melbourne (Bundoora) International: $160,800 No
  • Full-time : 4 years

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