Bachelor of Applied Geology

Curtin University

نوع المؤسسة: الجامعة/مؤسسة التعليم العالي
مستوى: المرحلة الجامعية
CRICOS: 00301J

Bachelor Degrees prepare students to develop broad and coherent knowledge and skills in a discipline for professional work and further learning corresponding to AQF level 7 qualifications. Geology is the study of the Earth and its resources. This course combines a comprehensive background in geological principles with a practical emphasis on mineral, energy and groundwater resources and their environmental management. It is designed to produce career-ready professionals trained to discover new resources, and develop and manage these resources in an environmentally responsible manner. Students who excel are also well placed to further their knowledge through our honours and research programs. This course may be combined in double degree programs with Environmental Biology and Finance.

معلومات عن الدراسة

الحرم الجامعيالرسوممدخّلة منتصف العامالحضور
Curtin Perth International: $123,902 No
  • Full-time : 3 years

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