Master of Teaching Birth to Five Years

جامعة تشارلز داروين (CDU)

نوع المؤسسة: الجامعة/مؤسسة التعليم العالي
مستوى: الدراسات العليا
CRICOS: 00300K

If you already hold a bachelor's degree in a relevant field other than education, the Master of Teaching Birth to Five Years will enable you to become an accredited early childhood teacher in two years. You will help children nurture strong learning foundations, self-confidence and inclusivity through play and creative learning techniques. Gain practical skills to deliver age-appropriate literacy, music and mathematics lesson plans in a creative and engaging way.Study either online or on campus, part-time or full-time, with additional flexibility to switch between study modes. On graduating, you'll be eligible to register as a teacher in the early childhood and care sector in all states of Australia.This course will develop your awareness of the environmental and cultural influences on teaching and learning and explores the needs of learners and communities with diverse linguistic and cultural orientations, including Indigenous learners.Apply your learning with 60 days of professional experience in prior to school and early childhood and care settings.Relevant fields of previous study include art, music, technologies, English, health and physical education, mathematics, science or humanities and social sciences (e.g. history and geography).

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